Friday, December 18, 2015

Afternoon Visit With Joan

"Afternoon Visit with Joan"
Oil on Wood

The warm yellow walls and rich red rug. The Dorothy Eisner painting of Maine. The inviting chairs and art everywhere. Conversation flows freely on subjects old and new. An hour with Joan in her Washington world. Friendship, greatest gift of all.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Crosswalk in the Rain

"Crosswalk in the Rain"
Oil on Wood
It feels good to be wet for a change. I am grateful for the rain and the rainbow it spawned as I visited my neighbor this morning. We both wondered whether it was his wife's signal from The Great Beyond. Not just one, but two big, bold rainbows arose from the Sausalito hills up to the clouds just as we were talking about her. Our dogs romped in her garden, as if nothing had changed. Her presence was everywhere. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wine Country Rain

"Wine Country Rain"
Oil on Wood

A gentle rain has been falling all day. One could fall into a melancholy mood if it weren't for the small tree in the living room all lit up, sparking sweet memories of my family gathered around. We need the rain, and there is more to come. We are the lucky ones who have a warm place to be, choosing to drown out the darkness with a reservoir of goodness and gratitude. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Welcome Rain

"Welcome Rain"
Oil on Wood

Wet. And Wonderful.